• Needs
    Need to distribute Korea’s water management technology and experiences to other countries in order to respond to climate change effectively and realize sustainable economic growth
    • K-Water, during Korea’s rapid economic growth, has accumulated diverse knowhow and technology in building multipurpose dams and metropolitan waterworks.
    • Thus, K-Water has established research, education, and information systems that can systemically distribute this knowhow and technology to developing countries.
    Need to establish a reputation befitting a G20 country by actively participating in international efforts to rectify regional imbalances in water resources and resolve the water shortage problem
    • Following the 2013 SDGs, 12 goals including elimination of poverty, achieving green economy, and completing and water and sanitation infrastructures were announced.
    • Now, Korea is returning the support it received from UNESCO and IHE regarding water-related human resource promotion programs to other countries.
    Need for strategies for substantial preemptive investment in human resources and expansion of water-related business opportunities in order to lead the future water market
    • By 2025, the global water market is estimated to be USD 865 billion and 74.3% of it is expected to consist of waterworks and sewage.
    [Graph] / Unit: USD 10 Billion / Source:GWI(2008) / Global Water Market:2007yr(36.2),2025yr(86.5) | Waterworks:2007yr(17.2),2025yr(28.8) | Sewage:2007yr(15.3),2025yr(35.5) | Industrial Water:2007yr(2.4),2025yr(5.7) | Water Recycling:2007yr(0.1),2025yr(2.1) | Sea Water Desalination:2007yr(1.2),2025yr(4.4) |
  • Implementation Process
    Implementation of Establishing a Water-Related International Agency
    • Implementation of a water-related international agency to establish water industry infrastructures in Korea and to enter the global water market following the President’s speech
    • The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport conducted a contracted-out study called Research on Reviewing Feasibility and Plan to Establish an International Agency (July 2009 – May 2010)
    Submission of a Proposal to UNESCO
    • The K-Water Academy completed a first draft of the proposal to build a UNESCO Category 2 center.
    • Reflecting advice from relevant experts, the proposal was sent to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
    UNESCO Completing Approval Process
    • June 7, 2012: The 20th UNESCO-HIP intergovernmental meeting approved the proposal.
    • July 19-20, 2012: UNESCO conducted a feasibility inspection.
    • April 23, 2013: 191st UNESCO Executive Committee approved the proposal.
    • November 13, 2013: 37th UNESCO General Assembly approved the proposal.
    Currently under Approval Process in Korea
    • The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are preparing the legal basis and intergovernmental agreement for establishing UNESCO i-WSSM.
    • Ongoing review of the future operation of the center
  • Operation Plan of i-WSSM Center
    Implementation Strategies
    • i-WSSM Concept

      Designed to provide water management and use strategies for sustainable growth, it will be an international research and education center for water security and sustainable development integrating research, education, and information infrastructures.

    • Ÿ Mission and Vision of i-WSSM
      Mission : Provide water security strategies for adaptation to climate change and sustainable development
      Vision : Contribute to realizing equitable water use and improving quality of living for people around the world
      Implementation Direction Integrated research Practical education Information network
      Implementation Strategies Full Water Cycle
      Research linked to IT, BT, and ET
      Problem-solving research
      Case-oriented research
      Field-oriented education
      Promotion of integration-oriented human resources
      Water-related governmental hub
      Arena for information sharing and exchanges
      Integrated with social networks
    Operation by Stage (Draft)
    • STEP1 Center Establishment Stage(2016~)
      • Implementation of the center’s own research / education programs
      • Promotion of i-WSSM
    • STEP2 Center Operation Stage (2018~)
      • Continual implementation of the center’s own research / education programs and leading the field of water security
      • Focusing on international exchanges and cooperation for the expansion of the center’s global work
    • STEP3 Center Advancement Stage(2021~)
      • Expanded operation of the center’s own research and education programs
      • Implementation of ODA projects based on continual international exchanges and the center’s own project experiences
      • Consulting for global water security