Effects of SWM

The SWM will produce innovative changes beyond the simple improvement of water management.
  • Preventing Natural Disasters

    It will minimize damages resulting from disasters through accurate weather prediction, information sharing, and systemic management.

  • Using Limited Water Resources

    It can maximize the use of limited water resources through securing diverse water resources.

  • Realizing Water Saving

    It can help save water through accurate prediction and supply of water use based on ICT-oriented analysis of water consumption patterns.

  • Preventing Leaking and Accidents

    It can prevent water leaks and water-related accidents through systemic monitoring based on smart devices and realtime information analysis.

The Future of Korea with Smart Water Management(SWM)

Korea boasts of having the world's highest standard of ICT. The combination of long term experience and know-how in water management with advanced ICT will become a driving force to create a new paradigm in water management.

[Integrated Water Resources Management]
  • [IWRM Global Rank] Now:the world's 14th / 2024yr:the world's Top3
  • [Dam Water usage] Now:72% / 2024yr:100%
  • [Flood control capacity] Now:62% / 2024yr:100%
[Healthy Tap Water Supply]
  • [Tap Water used for Drinking] Now:8.2min(person/yr) / 2024year:4.8min(person/yr)
  • [Water Supply Interruptions] Now:5.4% / 2024yr:30%
  • [Non-revenue Water Rate] Now:16% / 2024yr:12%